Average progress scores
- reading -3.7
- writing -3.3
- maths -3.8
Average ‘scaled scores’ (100 is the national expected standard):
- reading 102.3
- maths 102.0
Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above:
- reading 65%
- writing 74%
- maths 71%
- Combined (e.g. all 3 of the above) 55%
Percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment
- reading 18%
- writing 12%
- maths 15%
- Combined (e.g. all 3 of the above) 4%
(Please note The Department for Education updates this data annually, so at certain times of the year data from a previous academic year, rather than the most recent year, will be shown.)
Further details of school performance can be found at www.education.gov.uk/schools/performance
Further details of school performance can be found at www.education.gov.uk/schools/performance